Value investing presents some of the more interesting challenges in the investing world. Many individual and institutional investors alike classify themselves as value investors or aspire to adhere to value principals, but often fall short. Like anything else in the investment world, there isn't an absolute, clear-cut definition of value investing. Generally, value investing at its core is about buying companies at a discount to their intrinsic value. This is a broad statement. In practice, the value investor can approach the process from several different angles. To each his or her own. Depending on personal style, or the analytical tools at his or her disposal, the investor may incorporate one or all of the following in analysis.
- Use a model based approach, such as a discounted cash flow model, to ascertain a company's intrinsic value. If the model generated intrinsic value number or stock price number is below market price, buy.
- Use a multiples-based approach. Look for companies that are trading at a significant discount to market when using one or a combination of multiples such as price to earnings ratios, price to book, price or enterprise value to ebitda, etc.
- Incorporate qualitative analysis techniques to determine whether or not a business has a "sustainable advantage," for instance.
This seems apparent enough. Who could argue with buying a stock that is trading below its true value? At some point, it's got to revert to mean, right?? Returns confirm what seems to be an obvious view. Historically, global value investing has outperformed the index over time. The MSCI World Value Index, which according to MSCI uses "eight historical and forward-looking fundamental data points" to determine whether a stock falls in the 50% of the MSCI World index allocated to value or the 50% allocated to growth, has outperformed the headline MSCI World index by approximately a half a percent per year since 1974. The MSCI World Growth Index has underperformed by about half a percent per annum. These numbers are based on "simple" returns, i.e. no dividends, because the dividends aren't calculated in my machine all the way back to 1974. If dividends could be included in the MSCI indices, I'll theorize that the difference in performance between Value and Growth would be wider in favor of Value.
In practice, though, value investing isn't nearly as neat and simple as it seems for a few reasons.
First, value returns, whether you're talking about an individual security or the broader value sector can be inconsistent. Surely, the other side of this coin is the fact that growth is lumpy too. However, value investing carries an extra set of baggage from an investor perception standpoint. Investors tend to ascribe certain qualities to value investing, such as "safety," or "consistency" when in reality value investing can't necessarily live up to those ideals all the time. The connection is clear. Because value investing involves buying securities trading below "intrinsic value," the phrase "margin of safety" has become an oft used phrase to describe the difference between "intrinsic value" and actual value. Hence, value investing has become "margin of safety" investing in many investors' minds. If growth funds or stocks underperform for a spell, it seems to be written off more flippantly than if value underperforms for a certain period. Lets move to the numbers. Looking at five year increments from 1974 to the present, we see the following returns:
- 1974 to 1979: MSCI World +10.869% per annum; World Value +12.7767%.
- 1979 to 1984: MSCI World +7.377% per annum; World Value +8.0907%.
- 1984 to 1989: MSCI World +24.841% per annum; World Value +25.988%
- 1989 to 1994: MSCI World +1.743% per annum; World Value +2.414%
- 1994 to 1999: MSCI World +18.073% per annum; World Value +14.563%
- 1999 to 2004: MSCI World -3.818% per annum; World Value +0.425%
- 2004 to 2009: MSCI World -0.015% per annum; World Value -1.270%
- 2009 to Present: MSCI World 3.451% per annum; World Value 1.218%
Eight periods are represented above (the 8th isn't quite a full five year period, obviously, but we'll throw it in anyway). During five, value took the prize. During three, the Index (and by implication growth) took the prize. Per annum deviations within these periods can be quite large. This goes for the current period. These types of deviations from the norm can certainly try investors' collective patience to a significant degree. Take the internet boom era from 1994 to 1999, the last gasp of the 18-year secular bull market. For value investors, it was probably quite frustrating trailing the broader index by several percentage points per year over a five year period. Without a doubt, it was probably pretty frustrating as well for value managers to have to wake up every month and preach patience to investors watching benefits accrue to the growth folks! Many value managers watched assets walk out the door in late 1999 and early 2000. On to the next point...
A second bump in the road, and one that focuses on individual securities, is the fact that just because a stock is trading significantly below intrinsic value doesn't mean it can't fall even further or experience significant volatility. By their very nature, value names often have "hairy" stories. Value stocks are usually cheap for a reason. It's a lot more fun buying growth names with positive news galore. We'd love to say that it's easy to find companies growing at a super fast clip trading at single-digit multiples, and it can sometimes happen that way due to short-term news flow, but more often than not deep dish value names have a negative story behind them. Sometimes its stock specific. Maybe management is bum, or there was fraud, or there was a terrible product launch for instance. Sometimes it's secular in nature. Technology has been eclipsed in a certain sector or low commodity prices are affecting a group of commodity producers. Whatever the case, a lot of patience is required of the value investor. It'd be great if every stock went up immediately after purchase. More often than not, it takes waiting and enduring volatility as headlines come and go, many of them ugly. With information coming fast and furious these days, it's very hard to ignore near-term negative news or negative opinions about a value stock in a portfolio. Emotion is obviously important, and many value investors have to fight very big lumps in the throat sometimes to hold very cheap stocks facing a barrage of bad publicity. From an institutional standpoint, the value manager often finds himself or herself answering questions such as, "Why on earth would you ever have that name in the portfolio!?" Intestinal fortitude is required and, yes, there are times when an investment never recovers from the depths or continues a fall into oblivion. Two phrases come to mind. "What Wall St. knows ain't worth knowing." "Buy when there's blood in the streets." Sounds simple on paper, but a lot harder in practice. Time and time again, however, dem' bums catch a positive break, a catalyst that helps take multiples back to a more normal posture. Momentum is powerful too, in these cases, and sometimes you'll see a stock go from wildly undervalued to wildly overvalued in relatively short-order.
Finally, and this point is associated with the point directly above about buying out of favor names, it's very important not to get stuck in the weeds looking all the time for the next headline superstar like Apple. If a company has a solid balance sheet for instance and a high degree of what I'll call "survivability," it still has the opportunity to be a standout performer over time, even if it doesn't become the best company in the whole wide world, especially in cases where a company is trading at a very deep discount to the overall market and its peers. Not every company in every sector can be the "best" at what it does at all times. The "best" are often ascribed higher than median multiples. The herd mentality prevails, for a while at least. Somewhere down the road, though, it's possible and often the case that the "best" stumble somewhere along the way; many of the value cast-aways become the big guys on campus over time. Let's finish with the Apple example again. Apple can do no wrong now, but in the late 1990s Dell was on top of the world. Michael Dell famously said that Apple should cease operations and give the cash back to shareholders. Apple was cheap. Consensus stated they deserved the valuation. Apple's viability was questioned daily. Apple bashers were quite smug. Yes, Steve Jobs has been proven a genius but nobody in a million years back then thought that he'd be able to take Apple anywhere but niche status. Besides, he'd already been unceremoniously dumped from his own company once. Fast forward a decade or so. Dell is in the doghouse and Apple is the most valuable company in the world. Positive headlines about Dell are few and far between. Apple can do no wrong. Perhaps another value story and reversal of fortune in the making?